What You Should Read
What You Should Read
You Should Read: All the Dead Men (with author Errick Nunnally!)
This week we have author, designer, artist, and epic meal chef Errick Nunnally! We catch up with Errick about his Alexander Smith novel series, the second installment of which (All the Dead Men) is now available wherever books are sold and from Haverhill Press. It’s a fantastic urban fantasy detective series following a 150 year old Shapeshifter who is the son of a man who escaped slavery and a Native woman from Saskatchewan. Alexander Smith suffers from memory loss, is constantly confronting menacing monsters in the shadowy corners of Boston, and is recruited by a Boston PD detective to help solve murders when things get... weird. You should read it!
During the interview we talk to Errick about his biggest writing influences, the importance of race and ethnic representation in books, and he shows us some absolutely GORGEOUS pen and ink drawings of the characters from his novels. Head over to our YouTube channel to check them out. It's a straight up exclusive!
Want to get a copy of the book? Check out one of Errick's favorite independent bookstores Paper Nautilus Books and Riffraff Bookstore and Bar in Providence, RI.
Follow Errick:
Instagram: @erricknunnally
Twitter: @erricknunnally
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/erricknunnally
Follow us:
Twitter: @wysr_podcast
Instagram: @wysr_podcast
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/115539912-what-you-should-read-podcast
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCfNtid_b0R14otSPRZTkmQ
Want to get a recommendation from Julia, Kelly, and Rachael on the podcast? Email us at whatyoushouldreadpodcast@gmail.com or fill out this form and we will tell you what you should read.
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